October 2015 archive

Automated AP-List Scanner for the ESP8266

I recently posted about using the nRF24L01 module to scan for channels in the 2.4GHz range. That will let you know what channels are in use, however, since the nRF24L01 does not have the embedded network stack, we can’t determine other things like what the ESP8266 module can. (Have you checked out the Espressif.com ESP8266 …

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Using an nRF24L01 Module to Scan the 2.4GHz Frequency Range


There is a lot of electrical ‘noise’ all around us that we can’t see or sense as humans. However, in this day and time we have a great number of electronic devices which can sense what we can’t. Actually, it is these vary same electronic devices in most cases which are the cause of all …

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