Tag: I2C

An STM32F103C8T6 based MIDI Controller for MIDI2LR (Updated)

In a previous post (here) ,  a project was introduced for those of you who use Adobe Lightroom. There is a way to use a MIDI hardware ‘box’ to control various Lightroom actions. I am told that once you use the hardware controls you will never want to go back to the software ones.  A …

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I2C 2-wire Circuit

I2C Circuit

My latest project involves collecting data from a number of sensors connected to multiple Arduinos. I2C (or 2-wire) is a perfect fit for this project because I needed an easy way to connect the Arduinos and aggregate the data. With I2C, I can have one Arduino as the master and several other Arduinos as slaves.  …

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I2C Wire Chat Between Two Arduinos

Arduino 2Wite Chat

Someone asked me the other day if it was possible to have a ‘chat’ between Arduinos using the I2C Wire library. I came up with  ‘proof of concept’ code called ‘I2C Wire Chat Between Two Arduinos’. Here is the sketch: I2C Wire Chat Between Two Arduinos /* I2C wire chat From: earl@microcontrollerelectronics.com Analog Pin 5 …

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