May 2016 archive

FS1000A Wireless RF433 Transmit and Receive Module Pair

FS1000A RF433 Transmit and Receive Modules

I like experimenting with wireless devices, as you can tell from the many posts about them here! 😎 I am trying out an FS1000A Wireless RF433 Transmit and Receive Module pair this time. They use use the RF 433Mhz  frequency with ASK modulation. (You can also get these with the 315Mz frequency instead.)  I got …

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NL6621-Y1 Wireless Module

Arduino Leonardo connected to an NL6621

There is a new kid on the block, the NL6621-Y1 Wireless Module from Nufront.  The NL6621 WiFi SOC is powered by a 160 MHz ARM Cortex-M3 (NL6621M). Everything is integrated in the NL6621M SOC including 448KB of RAM. Here is what the NL6621-Y1 wireless module looks like:           Supposedly it is …

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How to Power an LED (Arduino vs. Pinguino)

LED Power Source

How to Power an LED (Arduino vs. Pinguino) might seem silly, however, if you take a look at the following graphic, you will hopefully notice something interesting. The Pinguino sources the power to the ‘user’ LED differently that does an Arduino. The Pinguino wiring is represented by the green LED and the Arduino wiring is …

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I2C Wire Chat Between Two Arduinos

Arduino 2Wite Chat

Someone asked me the other day if it was possible to have a ‘chat’ between Arduinos using the I2C Wire library. I came up with  ‘proof of concept’ code called ‘I2C Wire Chat Between Two Arduinos’. Here is the sketch: I2C Wire Chat Between Two Arduinos /* I2C wire chat From: Analog Pin 5 …

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