Tag: RS485

Solar Power System Monitoring with an Arduino

Arduino Invertor Monitor

Sometimes, people wonder about the practical side of using an arduino. I do get asked what is the real use for some of the articles I post here.  Are these ‘gadgets‘ just toys or do they have a practical use?  Most people who ask though, are not that familiar with arduinos or microcontrollers in general. …

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SN75176 RS485 Communications between two Arduinos


Previously, I wrote about RS485 communications between two Arduinos using a MAX485 IC. The link for that post is HERE.  It showed one Arduino as a tranmitter and the other as a receiver. This post is very similar, however, I am using a different IC, the SN75176BP. This post is about SN75176 RS485 communications between …

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RS485 Arduino Communications

MAX485 Arduino

There are various ways for two Arduinos to communicate information. A common way is serially via RS232. However, RS232 has distance limitations. If there is a need to serially communication over a longer distance consider using RS485 instead.  A couple of MAX485 ICs can facilitate RS485 Arduino communications over that longer distance. Two MAX485 ICs …

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